Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Summer Time = Summer Treats

Zoku Quick Pop Maker

I have been looking all summer for well-made popsicle molds! I remember being young and on 4th of July we would always have homemade ice cream (working on getting an ice cream maker as well) and my mom had homemade popsicles made for us all summer long! So as I was continually let down by cheapy Target or WalMart (no offense) brand popsicle molds, I knew there had to be something better out there! Alas! Our cousin Ginnie wrote something on her Facebook about the Zoku Quick Pop Maker and I was thrilled! It wasn't until I actually realized that we had a Williams Sanoma in Bakersfield that I made KJ rush me there and we bought the whole shabang!!! I couldn't wait to get some pops made so this morning, bright and early, as soon as KJ left for work... I began making my first batch of pops! The picture is the OJ-BananaBerry ones I made. They were my first batch and my most successful batch. I made a second batch that were BananaBerry-Vanilla Yogurt-TropiocalBerry... well those ones turned out alright, but the yogurt had air bubbles and didn't form correctly. Then my last attempt to make Kj something that he would enjoy was the layered HersheySyrup-Chocolate Fudgsicle. Well, just so you all know, Hershey's Syrup does NOT freeze... annoying! So anyway, the fudge layers froze lovely, but the chocolate syrup layers kind of just melted right off! As you can imagine they look awful silly but I saved two so KJ would at least be able to eat the fudgsicle part and not feel completely left out of my new pop craze!!!

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Just Engaged!

Just Engaged!
This is just the beginning...







Reaching for you

Reaching for you
